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10 Mar 2015


Napping like Grandpa Hugh after outing to Bellevue Botanical Gardens.


01 Nov 2014



Serious Hiker

15 Sep 2014

Serious Hiker

This from the girl who has been fighting her naps all week. Slept all the way down the hill.

Crackers and Naps

15 Jun 2014

Crackers and Naps

Just on the edge of serious sleep

Nap in a box

15 Jun 2014

Nap in a box

With mama’ old favorite baby blanket.

Cuddle Snooz

26 May 2014

Cuddle Snooz

Mommie hugs are best

Peaceful Dreamer

17 May 2014

Peaceful Dreamer

Tuckered out after preschool.

Sleepy Tiger

17 May 2014

Sleepy after having so much fun

I have dreams like this

20 May 2013

I have dreams like this

I have dreams like this. When you are a child it is real and WONDERfull.

Looks like daddy

07 Feb 2013

Looks like daddy

It’s the hair