Archive | July, 2014 RSS feed for this section

Mr. McGregor

15 Jul 2014

Mr. McGregor

Home Grown. From seed to root to mouth.

Holding Hanson

15 Jul 2014

Holding Hanson

Sweet Eloise.


15 Jul 2014


Loves for little brother.

Island Spirit

14 Jul 2014

Island Spirit

Luau dance on a hot summer day.

Presents for Eloise and HANSON

11 Jul 2014

Thank you

Amazing Meal Train

11 Jul 2014

Incredible creations. Big help.


11 Jul 2014

I can see you much better with my GWASSES

Presents for a Big Sister

11 Jul 2014

A new book arrives almost every day. Friends, family, and neighbors are helping Eloise celebrate the arrival of her new brother. We are grateful to have a caring community.

Still Life in Garden

08 Jul 2014

Still Life in Garden

Paint big in ponytails.

Ready for Swim Lessons

08 Jul 2014

Ready for Swim Lessons

Little Minnow is all geared up for sun and swim, snacking grapes.